Our Background as Investigators
CIS Gruppen: Where Innovation, Technology, and Investigations Come Together
Independent Investigations
CIS Gruppen is a professional detective agency consisting of a group of highly specialised detectives and private investigators. We are delivering customised investigations and consultancy to the private sector. The company was founded in 2014 by the private investigator Mrs Ulla Vang Christensen, M.A. in Communication and Media studies.
We cover all of Denmark from our headquarters in Copenhagen, Søborg, and our operational offices in Billund and Aarhus (Jutland peninsula).
As private investigators and detectives, we love our job and working with clients to protect their resources and conduct high-quality investigations. We take great pride in understanding the particular needs of each individual client, their company and case. This is to provide our clients with the best tailor-made investigations and risk assessments at all times.
Academic and corporate business background
We understand businesses, operations, and legislation, as well as the human factor and psychology of an investigation. We provide you with the best-qualified investigative methods, advice, and solutions. All customised to your case.
Military background
intelligence and Special Forces
We help you detect hidden technical surveillance (TSCM-operations) and provide specialised surveillance operations. This is to ensure that all risks are assessed and that you have the information and evidence needed to make well-informed decisions.
Police background including special police units (PET, SOIK) and the national police force
We provide specialised consultation and investigations in the fields of surveillance, financial crime, IT- and data recovery, remote surveillance, and general investigations to help you obtain your objective and solve your case.
Privatdetektiv: Vi vil ikke lede efter bortadopterede børn
Efterforsker Ulla Vang Christensen fra detektivbureauet CIS Gruppen svarede på dr.dk-brugernes spørgsmål om, hvilken type arbejde en privat efterforsker udfører. Read More
Thomas Arent tager på arbejde med Ulla Vang Christensen. Vi får en enestående adgang til det ukendte og hemmelighedsfulde liv som privatdetektiv, og dykker ned i sager om svindel og bedrag. Thomas bliver langsomt mere og mere involveret i sagerne og opslugt af arbejdet som privatdetektiv. Read Story
Frustrerede borgere hyrer privatdetektiver
Både private og virksomheder er gået i gang med selv at opklare deres sager, fordi bandekonflikten har optaget en stor del af politiets ressourcer. Read More