Background Checks
Our customised background checks help you make an informed decision about who you are employing or engaging in a relationship with.
Independent Investigations
Background checks are investigations typically carried out on a person prior to employment or prior to engaging in a business or other close relationship.
We help make sure that the person is the right match by verifying their personal background and CV. We fact-check information and identify potential risks or areas of concern in order to provide a balanced view of the person.
For a full list across 13 specified search areas, including interviews and financial/credit checks for relevant finance positions, please contact our team.
We make sure that the process is smooth, transparent, and reflects a good ethical standard for both the client and the subject. Any company with a corporate culture based on trust and compliance will have good reason to verify the background of a person they are employing or entering into a business relationship with.
For a more detailed investigative report – please consider using our Due Diligence Investigations.
Obtaining general personal data (non-commercial use) does not require consent.
The collection of personal data is regulated by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Denmark and Europe, and by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in the US and separate state and national laws. For full compliance and transparency, we recommend companies obtain informed consent for background checks prior to employment.
Independent Investigations
Do not wait until it is too late. Our job as private investigators is to help you minimise your financial risks. Our team can help you uncover potential risks and liabilities prior to investment, employment, or engagement.
Sometimes unwanted risks pop up after you have hired your “star” employee or you have engaged in a business partnership. If things are not feeling right, our team can help uncover new information and evidence to assess risks as they appear.
If you are coming to us because your company has been damaged by hidden skeletons, we can help you create policies and procedures to prevent unwanted risks from ever hurting your company in the future.